Local & Global Collaborations
For companies considering the Hartford Region, CT IFS can provide business services and resources that streamline the location or expansion process. We represent the Hartford Region through several statewide and global partnerships. Local, regional, and statewide incentives are available to companies considering the Hartford Region for business.
17 Years of Experience
Strengthening and advancing the insurance and financial service indistry
32 Member Companies
Partner with experts changing the global insurance marketplace
Statewide Alliance
Regional networking for insurance executives, professionals and startups
US-UK Financial Innovation Partnerships
The primary objective of the InsurTech Corridor is to remove barriers InsurTechs face when entering and expanding in a new market in order to facilitate traction and growth.
The primary objective of the InsurTech Corridor is to foster two-way trade relationship and remove barriers InsurTechs face when entering and expanding in a new market in order to facilitate traction and growth. The creation of the US/UK InsurTech Corridor was announced on March 10, 2022 following the signing of a statement of intent with the initial goal of developing an online platform of resources
Collaboration & Opportunities
Through close collaboration between the UK Department for International Trade, Connecticut IFS, and InsurTech UK, the InsurTech Corridor will help participating companies:
• Increase their knowledge of each respective market
• Access resources and make valuable connections to accelerate their business growth
• Connect with business development and investment opportunities
• Streamline US and UK market entry by leveraging the local insurance ecosystems
Accessing Program Resources
Applications for the first cohort will remain open until 11:59 pm ET January 31, 2022. All applicants will be notified by February 14, 2022 whether they have been selected to proceed to the second stage of assessment.
Non-insurance and insurtech firms including professional service providers, investors, media, as well as organizations or individuals interested in becoming a strategic partner or mentor for the program, or to simply learn more about the program itself, are also encouraged
Statewide CT Partnerships
Companies located in the Hartford Region and Connecticut have a competitive focus on innovation and unyielding commitment to quality and excellence, paired with a workforce comprised of the most educated, experienced professionals in the world.
What’s unique about the CT IFS is the confluence of C-suite and executive leaders who leave their competitive hats aside to work collectively on strategic initiatives designed to strengthen and advance the industry in our State”, said Susan Winkler, Vice President and Executive Director for CT IFS. “Since 2003, the CT IFS Board leverages Connecticut’s insurance/financial services industry across the U.S. and the world as a competitive advantage for growth in economic development.